The final section covers tactics VanDam uses for fishing in the summer, capitalizing on the wind, fishing pressured lakes, and sneaking up on bass. I particularly like his advice on running your trolling motor. Better to run a trolling motor constantly in an area, says VanDam, than to do it in starts and stops, which is more likely to alarm fish. Also, adjust the height of the motor and pick your routes before moving through an area, to lessen the chance of hitting underwater objects and startling bass. It’s just common sense that I’m sure a lot of anglers don’t think about.
This is the shortest section of the book but might be the most fun reading because it also includes practically an hour by hour account of how VanDam won his first BassMaster Classic. You really get an insight into the mind of a champion bass fisherman here and the pressures that go along with fishing at that level. It’s great stuff!
KVD’s Secrets of a Champion is a relatively short how-to volume that’s loaded with extremely easy-to-digest tips and techniques that will surely help any bass angler improve his or her odds on the water, even if you just employ a couple of his suggestions. The writing is simple, straight-forward and engaging. This book would be a welcome addition to any modern angler’s library, and I predict you’ll return to it more than once.