How to Get Into Winter Darkhouse Spearing for Northern Pike
Spearing pike through the ice is an old sport, offering a unique experience that may just hook you permanently.
Jaden Plath/Fear the Spear! Facebook Group
Winter ice fishing has a related cousin: darkhouse spearing. But where ice fishermen use small rods and reels, tip-ups and tip-downs, and fish with hook and line generally through small 8-10 inch holes, darkhouse spearers use long-handled, multi-point spears and fish decoys to lure fish under large rectangular holes in the ice, where they plunge their tridents into the backs of unsuspecting northern pike and sturgeon.
Occasionally other species are also taken, but that is dependent upon state laws. It's a fascinating and fun sport. Where it is allowed, spearing is passionately enjoyed by many anglers as a legitimate alternative to conventional ice fishing.
Since sturgeon spearing on Wisconsin's Lake Winnebago is a unique event pretty much unto itself, we'll disregard that for this article. Instead we'll concentrate on darkhouse spearing for northern pike. Darkhouse spearing is legal primarily in the upper Midwest and northeastern United States. You'll have to check your state's regulations and laws to learn the spearing whens, wheres and hows of what's legal in your area.
You may need a spearing license and you'll need a few pieces of specialized equipment. Here's what you need to get started:
1. First, you'll need a spear. This is a barbed, multi-tined affair - usually five to seven tines - around five or six feet in length. It's a heavy piece of equipment. You'll need a good length of rope or cordage to tie to the end of it, while securing the other end of the line to something solid in your darkhouse (you could also tie it around your leg). Spears generally cost anywhere between $50 and $200 dollars.
2. Next you'll need a fish decoy to attract the pike to your spot. Decoys can be as simple or as artful and elaborate as you care to make them. Pike will come to most anything shiny, even soda cans or lengths of PVC pipe. But ideally, you'll want a decoy that imitates a fish. A good decoy will be made to move seductively (to a pike) through the water by virtue of its body shape and/or fins. It is tied to a sturdy line that you will periodically pull up and release, sending the decoy "swimming" through the water.
Decoy carving is an art form, and there are many carvers that take great pride in their creations. Who knows, you might decide that decoy carving or collecting is as much fun as spearing.
3. You'll need something to make a large rectangular hole. Spearing holes are usually made by drilling four smaller holes - one in each corner of the rectangle - with an ice auger and then either chiseling or sawing the ice to connect the corners. You can purchase specialized ice saws. Rather than sawing, some spearers simply drill more holes to connect the corner holes.
Source: Badger Sportsman